Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Into the Abyss: Reporting Iraq 2003-2006 from CJR

From Columbia Journalism Review:

For its forty-fifth anniversary Columbia Journalism Review is publishing a unique oral history of the war in Iraq as seen through the eyes of some fifty journalists who covered it. Into The Abyss is a unique and compelling narrative about the conflict itself and about the learning curve of the reporters and photographers who have worked what is clearly the most significant and difficult story of our time.

These journalists are reporting under circumstances that nearly defy belief, and they have studied what Iraqis call “the situation” closely, some of them for four years or more. They know things we should all know, and we are proud to present their story.

The first three chapters of the oral history are up online, and the remaining seven will follow shortly. This special Web page includes audio from our interviews as well as other extras.

CJR Daily
While you are at it, check out what our daily Web site has been saying:

Liz Cox Barrett astute and amusing analysis of cable TV’s coverage of
Kerry and his alleged joke.

Paul McLeary talks to former Army officer Matthew Currier Burden about
military blogging and its future

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